Acne removing

« ...There are a number of both cosmetic and dermatological procedures to minimize or eliminate these scars. The most basic is to simply inject additional collagen in the scarred area. This lifts the skin and helps to fill small depressions and softer scars. This form of treatment doesn't work particularly well for ice pick scars, however....
...Sometimes these inflamed areas are left with a slight discoloration of the skin which can also last for several years in some cases. Exposure to sunlight can make these conditions worse....»
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«...If your acne is so severe that your entire face is clothed in pimples, then you may consider booking an appointment with a dermatologist and looking at some more advanced treatment methods. Laser light therapy is an excellent treatment option for those who are serious about getting rid of their acne once and for all....»
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tags: keep getting dry skin from my acne wash, lotion for scars and and acne, proactiv acne treatment